Started by two friends in 1995, this American born company is now over 2 decades old. Although velour tracksuits and bright handbags might spring to mind when you think of this eccentric brand, their fragrance line is also something to talk about, the equally out there Juicy Couture perfumes are also something to talk about.

Juicy Couture Oui Fragrance: For The Lady With A Refined Taste
Juicy Couture Oui Fragrance: For The Lady With A Refined Taste [addthis tool="addthis_inline_share_toolbox"]Juicy Couture recently launched the Juicy Couture Oui ...

Juicy Couture Rock The Rainbow
In September 2017 Juicy Couture Fashion House launches two new women perfumes, Rah Rah Rouge and Pretty in Purple, which ...