Founded by Jeanne Lanvin in 1889 this long running fashion company comes from French heritage. This inspired many of the designer’s creations, including the intricate use of trimmings, embroidery and beaded decorations on her garments and the perfection of quality in the Lanvin perfumes including the signature scent – Arpege – a fragrance inspired by her daughter’s piano playing.

Lanvin A Girl in Capri
Perfumery is an art in itself, whose creations are enough to stimulate our imagination. To cheer up their lips, perfumers ...

Lanvin Éclat de Nuit
Lanvin Éclat de Nuit [addthis tool="addthis_inline_share_toolbox"]Whether in fashion or perfume, Lanvin has the gift of sublimating femininity. Among its most ...

Modern Princess Eau Sensuelle – the latest Lanvin perfume
Many creative brands are inspired by fairy tales to make perfumes. After all, what better way to arouse emotion than ...